A little more slightly famous
Three guidebooks have come into play during the Wandering Dave Grand Loop Tour. The first, and most mentioned, is Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charley.” More than anything, that great American writer has become my muse, reminding me to pay attention to both hemispheres of my brain.
The second book has been one of my motivators for many years; it’s Henry David Thoreau’s most famous work: “Walden.” In many ways, my trip into the world is motivated by the same needs as Thoreau’st two-year-long retreat. We both sought a simpler lifestyle that allowed time for contemplation plus a chance to commune with nature.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
The third book is a modern work by a very good writer and speaker, Stephen Van Yoder. The book is, “How to get slightly famous,” and slightly famous is exactly what I’m after in the Wandering Dave persona – or any other, for that matter.
Today (May 9) my mug appears above the fold on page A-1 of the Red Deer Advocate. The photo is part of a “reefer,” or “teaser” intended to attract interest to the local section of the paper. And there, on page B-1 – this time below the fold” was a story about my current adventure. The headline: “Making contact from afar.”
I contacted the Advocate a week or so ago and received a call from reporter Laura Tester. We met less than an hour after I arrived in town and had a nice chat while staff photog Randy Fiedler snapped shots from a half-dozen angles. Laura seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say and made the experience a real pleasure.
Now, appearing on page one of a local daily newspaper might go to the head of some wanderers; but Van Yoder’s book and my own experience indicates that even becoming slightly famous requires repeated exposure over time.
But this front-page exposure is exciting, I’m curious to discover what kind of response it may engender on the web.
More about Van Yoder and getting slightly famous is available at www.getslightlyfamous.com Click Here
Is it legit for you to share this article, and maybe even the picture with us on the blog??
We're happy that you are getting to be "slightly famous"!!
Julie and Chuck
It's Ok to provide a link, certainly.
But copying the entire story and any part of the photo might be copyright infringements in the U.S. -- I'm not sure about Canada.
Since the Wandering Dave site is (unintentionally) non-profit, we might escape any liability by claiming that we're providing access to the story for educational purposes.
As for becoming famous, there was no sign in the overnight "hit count" that the newspaper article created any interest in the Wandering Dave web site.
Our internet address was published with the story, so we'll have to see whether there's any "bump" tonight.
So much for my 15 minutes of fame -- I'm still due at least 14 and one-half of them!
Did I miss the link? I'll take another look for it.
We found the picture and article online at www.reddeeradvocate.com by typing "burke" in the search line. Not sure how long it will be in the archives but it should be available for at least 2 weeks and maybe years!!
It is a nice article.
Julie and Chuck
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