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Monday, March 12, 2007

Have we met?

Never able to remember names and faces (somebody has to be the world’s worst at everything and this may be my category), I’ve already become more than confused about whom I’ve met and where I met them.

It’s day 26 and I imagine I’ve introduced myself to at least 300 people among the six facilities I’ve visited. Now, even before I sit down for the first meal some of the folks are looking familiar and I have that feeling of UN-déjà vu.

It’s not at all pleasant. I understand and agree with the statement that one of the sweetest and more welcome sounds is someone saying our name. I know that people notice when one doesn’t remember a name. I wish I weren’t so deficient.

Believe me, I’ve tried memory techniques. Given enough time and a relatively small number of items to remember, I can commit a dozen facts, objects, titles or about anything to memory – for a few hours or days.

But these neat people are coming at me two or three at a time and there could be 15 or 20 in less than an hour. There’s just no way I can carry on a conversation AND remember names.

I’ve decided that the greater benefit (to ME) is to absorb some wisdom and insight. I wish I could do both, but my wiring seems to make it nearly impossible to catalog mugs and monikers.

Oh, do I wish it were otherwise, my friend.

By the way, I didn’t catch your name the first three times you reminded me; let’s try one more time. . .

1 comment:

Granny said...

This is what's her name leaving a comment. You know, the one you've been drinking coffee with for a year or so. What is her name anyway? It's on the tip of my tongue.

I'm terrible at it too; especially when people are out of context. I'll recognize Elcie's former teacher when I see her at school. When she's sitting at the next table at Barnes & Noble, I draw this total blank. Sometimes, I recover, sometimes not.